What are you playing now?
(too old to reply)
2012-08-31 12:55:22 UTC
Well, natually my Dramcast stays connected for Little Green Army Men. I like
to play that when I am goofing off and just want to relax.

This weekend at the AnimeFest in Dallas they will have a Dreamcast with Typing
of the Dead. That was the first game I would see on the Dreamcast stangely

So how about you? What kind of life is th Dreamcast seeing in your home?

--- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
* Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)
2013-03-10 15:16:38 UTC
Post by G***@familynet-international.net
Well, natually my Dramcast stays connected for Little Green Army Men. I like
to play that when I am goofing off and just want to relax.
This weekend at the AnimeFest in Dallas they will have a Dreamcast with Typing
of the Dead. That was the first game I would see on the Dreamcast stangely
So how about you? What kind of life is th Dreamcast seeing in your home?
--- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
* Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)
Finally broke down and bought a N64 for cheap and played the sequel for
Little Green Men. Interesting to say the N64 version plays a lot like
the Dreamcast version and it was great to play a new adventure after all
the dozens of times I have solved that game.

(This amazed me a little since the Playstation version felt and played
